ILPO, PURE PUrethane Reusable – brand owner – is pleased to promote this sharing of experiences and value creation among designers, producers, commercial partners and clients.
The initiative is aimed at all players in both the production and the commercial chain of the furniture industry, as well as designers and architects.
- Rigid polyurethanes by DOW – Francesca Pignagnoli – DOW ITALIA
- Good Design 2.0 – Marcello Ziliani
- Study case LCA PU vs PP – Germana Olivieri – LCA-Lab
- Some “environmental” furniture brands in Europe – Gianmarco Gagliardi
- FEM for chairs – Alessandro Grossi
- Comfort in the posture – Francesco Marcolin – ERGOCERT
- Participatory design – Massimo Serrao
- Economy for the Common Good – Susanna Singer – TERRA INSTITUTE
- Durability – Andrea Giavon – CATAS SpA
- ILPO and OPIMM: a shared commitment in favor of people with disabilities – Valter Consorti – OPIMM
- Renewal – Tommaso Cenacchi – RENNER SpA

Francesca Pignagnoli

Germana Olivieri

Gianmarco Gagliardi

Marcello Ziliani

Alessandro Grossi
Since a few years he has the role of R&D director for important furniture brands.

Francesco Marcolin
Professor in the Faculty of Medicine in “Health Sciences”.
CEO of ERGOCERT – Certification Body for Ergonomy and administrator of Ergonomica-Ergolab.

Massimo Serrao
Devotes his competence, empathy and passion for details in promoting ergonomics, quality and design.

Andrea Giavon
He has devoted his career working in one of the most well-known and important institutes at Italian and European level for the study and testing of furniture and its components becoming since 2007 its General Manager.

Tommaso Cenacchi
Since 1994 he has been working in the research and development of water-based paints.
Since 2005 researcher at Renner Italia responsible for the formulation and application uv water based products.

Susanna Singer

Valter Consorti
If you don't have the password to download the reports just ask.

In winter 2010 ILPO has organized in partnership with some Italian Design schools a theoretical and practical Workshop aimed at identifying and selecting concepts and/or projects based on the use of the innovative ILPOKOTING technology.
The Workshop was addressed and reserved to students of the following Design schools:
ISIA Faenza – ISIA Florence – ISIA Rome – L.UN.A. Bologna
Speakers and themes
The Workshop that implied the presentation of ideas and projects for contract, home and early childhood applications based on the ILPOKOTING technology, was organized in two days: one for the briefing presentation of the guidelines, and of the technology, the following meeting for the final presentation of the prepared projects and concepts and their resultant evaluation and selection. Once more the drive towards innovation and the will to believe in a good project where the driving forces that fostered ILPO in the organization of this interesting initiative aimed at exploiting the interest and participation of young design students.
Bruno Briganti – Progettazione ATL Group – Forlì – “Caratteristiche della lavorazione dei poliuretani flessibili da taglio”
Tommaso Cenacchi – “Le vernici all’acqua: una risposta tecnologica per il rispetto dell’ambiente”
Paola Cenni – Ricercatrice Enea – Bologna – Commissione Ergonomia UNI – Eur Erg – “Ergonomia di prodotto e industrial design”
Franco Dominici – Amm.re delegato Segis Spa – Poggibonsi (Si) –” Tecnologia e design: il punto di vista e l’esperienza dell’imprenditore”
Giulia Ancarani – Ufficio tecnico ILPO – “Presentazione di ricerca di mercato sui mobili imbottiti, con superficie spruzzata simile ad ILPOKOTING”
Massimiliano Cresciuoli – Azur Spa – “Strategie e management di design e comunicazione”
Umberto Testoni – Ufficio tecnico ILPO – “ILPOKOTING: possibilità e limiti della tecnologia.”
Luisa Formenti – Pedagogista e psicomotricista – “Materiali e forme in gioco

ILPO 2007
Industrial design / furnishing
- Ergonomia e corretta postura delle sedute
- Norme UE per settore arredo
- Simulazione e progettazione di sedute
- Marketing a concept
- Poliuretano, tecnologia e design
- Reazione al fuoco per settore arredo
- Testimonianze aziendali
- Visita ai reparti produttivi
- C.A.E. per componenti tecnici
- Ergonomia e industrial design
- Reazione al fuoco dei materiali plastici
- Progettare il poliuretano
- Testimonianze aziendali
- Visita ai reparti produttivi
- Mr. Lars Ole Rǽrup – Business Development Manager RBM – Denmark
- Ing. Alessandro Grossi – Meta ingegneria
- Sig. Paolo Balutto – Responsabile del reparto delle prove sui mobili – Catas – Membro commissione normazione sul mobile in ambito CEN e ISO
- Architetto Valerio Sacchetti
- Ing. Franco Prete – Responsabile del reparto delle prove di reazione al fuoco – Catas
- Eng. Peter Reynders – Marko BV – Netherland
- Giovanni Baccolini e Angelo Natuzzi
- ing. Gabriele Paolini – Vicon Motion Systems Ltd
- Giulia Ancarani
- Stefano Canzian – Kristalia srl
- Dott.ssa Paola Cenni – Enea (Bologna) – ricercatrice – ergonomo europeo (Eur.Erg)
- Ilaria Nicoli – Sales Account Executive Industrial Products – UL Italia
- Dott.ssa Roberta Zaffaroni – Reviewer per la categoria “plastiche”– UL Italia
- Dott. Umberto Testoni – Ilpo
- Ing. Francesco Lovo – Direzione Ricerca e Sviluppo Pininfarina Extra
- Monica Graffeo
- Ing. Bruno Levi – responsabile ufficio tecnico Palazzoli Spa
- Ing. Adriano Carrara – progettista Jacuzzi Europe Spa
Press release

Historical Conventions ILPO’88 – ILPO’94
ILPO has always distinguished itself from the competition also thanks to its spirit of innovation for what concerns communication and spreading of new trends, technological updates and new stylist and design tendencies in the world of polyurethanes.
Already back in 1988 and afterwards in 1994 partnering with the academic arena and with world leading companies in the supply of polyurethane raw materials and systems, two technical update seminars under the title “News, tendencies and perspectives of polyurethane in office, home and public spaces” were organized.
Designers, technical experts, chemical researchers, industry managers and academicians have always adhered with interest and enthusiasm to these important moments of spreading and growth, which made ILPO a real, solid technological reference at the forefront of the industry.